Background Research
Although technology is continuously advancing
and working to improve the lives of those with disabilities, living with
visual impairment continues to be a great challenge. The World Blind Union
estimates in 2015 that there are 285 million people in the world that are
either legally blind, visually impaired or partially sighted [1], and 40
million of those people are completely blind, and it is also estimated that
this is most likely to double by the year 2050. Those who are classified as
blind, 75% of them have some residual vision. Blindness is considered to be the
loss of sight, not the loss of response to change in light. Alberta Orr,
of the American Foundation for the Blind, states, "Many visually impaired
persons are extremely sensitive to bright light and glare and wear sunglasses
to reduce the amount of light on the retina. [2]" Therefore this project
uses light as an experimental way to connect someone with a visual
impairment to their surroundings, and abandon traditional aides such as a
seeing-eye cane.
Light Sensitivity
The focus of this project relies on light sensitivity,
which is a discomfort to the user when exposed to light. The majority of
those who are blind or have a visual impairment have a strong sensitivity to
light. Long exposure to sunlight or fluorescent light can cause
discomfort in the person. But a short exposure, or a flash, from complete
darkness to a small light source can easily be detected. This sensitivity
is referred to Photophobia.
How Do Eyes Work?
Light rays enter the eye through the cornea, which is a
clear tissue at the front of the eye, and the cornea focuses the light as it
enters. Located behind the cornea, is the iris, this is the colorful part of
the eye giving someone the characteristic such as blue or brown eyes. In the center of the iris is a black circle,
called the pupil, which is an opening that allows light into the eye. The pupil
changes size to control the amount of light entering the eye, this is done by
muscles in the iris. In a dark room, your pupil increases to allow more light
to enter enabling you to adapt and see better in the dark, while in bright
daylight the pupil shrinks to reduce the amount of light and prevent damage to
the retina. After the light passes
through the cornea and the pupil the light then passes through a lens, much
like the lens of a camera, which focuses the light onto the back of the eye.
The lens is held in place by a bunch of fibers, which are attached to the
ciliary muscles, the ciliary muscles change the shape of the lens to let the
eye change it’s focus on objects at different distances. To see an object at
close range the ciliary muscles compress the lens and make is smaller and
thicker, and expands and thins the lens when trying to focus on objects a far distance.
The lens is focusing the light onto the retina, which is the “back wall” of the
eye. The retina has millions of light sensitive cells called, rods and cones.
Rods see in black, white and shades of gray, and help to determine the shape
and form of objects. Rods are what also helps us see in the dark. While cones
are sensitive to one of three colors, red, green or blue, and allow us to see
millions of different colors. Cones need more light than rods to work. Behind
the retina is the optic nerve, which carries messages to the brain about what
the eye is seeing. Rods and cones translate the image into nerve messages which
is then carried along the optic nerve to the brain, which is then translated in
the brain.
Bellow is a labelled diagram of the anatomy of an eye:
Figure 1: The anatomy of an Eye [3]
An example of we can better understand rods and cones can be
shown in the example bellow as an optical illusion provided by Crash Course [4],
look at figure 2, the picture of a neon yellow and turquoise flag, for
approximately 20 seconds and then immediately stare at the following figure,
figure 3, which is a black picture.
Figure 2: Optical Illusion to Demonstrate
Rods and Cones
Figure 3: Blank Photo to Demonstrate
Previous Optical Illusion
During this demonstration, if you observed the flag long
enough before looking you most likely saw an image that looked like this;
Figure 4: Result of Optical Illusion
Why did our eyes see this image? There
are two reasons this illusion works, the first begging with the fact that our
Photoreceptors can make us see after images. Some stimuli, such as bright
colors or lights are so strong that our photoreceptors will continue firing
action potentials even after we close our eyes or look away.
other part of the illusion has to do with another bug in our visual
programming: And it is because out cones get “tired.” For example, with the
flag, you looked at an image with bright turquoise stripes. Because your retinas
contain red, green and blue- sensitive cones, the blue and green got tired
after a while, leaving only the red still working. Then you looked at a white
screen, which included all colors and wavelengths of visible light, so your
eyes were receiving red, blue and green light but only the red cones were able
to respond. As a result, the striped turned red.
same thing happened to the rods. Except, they only register black and white, it
was like the afterimage was like a negative of a photograph- dark replace with
light. Therefore, the black stars and stripes, turned white.
Types of Visual
The most common cause of blindness in 2010 were Cataracts, Glaucoma,
and age related Macular Degeneration therefore the scope of the project
has been suited for these three types of visual impairments as well
as Diabetic Retinopathy since this is also one of the top cause of visual
impairment and blindness globally, but also a major issue within America.
Figure 5: Leading
Causes of Blindness
The chart depicted above was created for
an article written by Catey Bunce and Richard Wormald, to discuss the
"leading causes of certification of blindness and partial sight in England
and Wales" [5] and although this article surveys England, this chart
is a global perspective on the issue. From this article, the top cause was
established and therefore became the scope of research and application for this
Since the concept
of this design relies on the ability of the user with the visual impairment to
detect a change in light from complete darkness to a strong light source,
each visual impairment needs to be researched to determine what the user is
able to detect and how long it may take for the user to be aware of a
change from complete darkness to a flash. And although the project research is
focusing on the four leading causes of blindness, the overall focus of the
device expands beings that. Many people who have visual impairments are
actually very sensitive to light changes, and therefore this project would
drive effective.
The National Eye Institute [6] gives a perspective into what
cataract vision looks like:
Figure 6: What Normal Vision Can See
Figure 7: What Cataract Vision Can See
The two images above show a before and after perspective of
what someone with cataracts can see, and this vision can deteriorate until the
person can eventually only detect shape or shadows.
Cataracts is an age-related disease with a few people getting slight
detection of it in their middle-ages, and many start loosing vision over the
age of 60. Cataracts is a clouding of the lens and it is estimated that over
50% of people above the age of 80 have cataracts or had surgery to remove
Treatment for cataracts is both effective and successful, sugary is the
main method of treatment to remove the film over the lens. This is done in two
methods, one is called Phacoemulsification, in which a small probe is inserted into the lens, that
uses ultrasonic waves to break up the lens and create space for the cataracts
to be removed by suction. Another method is Extracapsular surgery,
in which the cloudiness is removed by an incision and the rest is removed by
suction. These treatments have proved effective, but cataracts is a very common
type of visual impairment and there are many cases in which people have
multiple visual impairments, for example, people with age-related Macular
Degeneration are also commonly exposed to cataracts. Therefore, this visual
impairment was included for the team to have a better understanding of how
those with visual impairments tend to be more sensitive to changes in
2. Glaucoma
As shown before by the National Eye Institute, they give the
same perspective but this time showing the effects of Glaucoma;
Figure 8: What Glaucoma Vision Can See
Glaucoma is defined as several related eye disorders that
affect the optic nerve, which carries information from the eye to the brain,
and resulting in irreversible loss of vision. There is no cure for
Glaucoma. The cause for Glaucoma in most cases is believed to be cased by an
increase pressure within the eye. It is beneficial for early diagnoses, because
it takes a long time to actually affect vision and be noticeable, and by that
time the nerve is usually 50% dead. Treatments for Glaucoma include, decreasing
the pressure on the eye through eye drops, or laser surgery, or actual surgery
to manage the pressure on the eye.
Macular Degeneration
Here is the same picture, but this time it is demonstrating
what a person with Macular Degeneration sees;
Figure 9: Age-related Macular
Age- related Macular Degeneration, abbreviated as AMD, is a
common cause of vision loss of those over 50. AMD causes damage to the macula,
which is a small spot near the center of the retina, which allows us to see
objects straight ahead. To demonstrate the location of the macula, a similar
figure by the National Eye Institute, similar to the diagram in figure 1 is
shown bellow, the difference between them is that the macula is labeled.
Figure 10: Eye Anatomy Including Macula
The macula is made of many light-sensing cells that provide
sharp, central vision, and is the most sensitive part of the retina. When the
macula is damaged, central vision begins to become disoriented, blurry or even
could be completely lost, and an example of this shown in figure 9.
AMD is a slow developing disease, and
loss of vision takes a while to occur. It is very common in those who smoke, as
well as those who have family history of AMD. And although AMD does not lead to
complete blindness, it is hard to complete everyday activities.
Diabetic Retinopathy
Here is the same picture, but this time it is demonstrating
what a person with Diabetic
Retinopathy sees;
Figure 11: Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic Retinopathy happens when the damage caused by
diabetes begins to affects blood vessels in the retina. It is the most common
cause of vision loss among people with diabetes. Diabetic macular edema (DME) is a result of Diabetic Retinopathy,
which is a swelling of the macula, demonstrated in figure 10.
More than
half of the 18 million Americans who have have diabetes are effected by
diabetic retinopathy to some extent. The treatment to prevent and control the
disease is close control of diabetes. If the disease digresses, surgery is
needed to protect sight.
5. Other Common Visual Impairments
Other common visual impairments include Retinitis Pigmentosa,
the effects of this visual impairment is shown below;
Figure 12: Retinitis Pigmentosa
Retinitis Pigmentosa is an inherited disorder that results
from harmful changes in any one of more than 50 genes. Genes carry instructions
for creating proteins which are needed within the retina, referred to as photoreceptors. In the early stages of
Retinitis Pigmentosa, rods are more severely affected than cones, resulting in
night blindness and progressive loss of the visual field, the area of space
that is visible at a given instant without moving the eyes. Eventually, the
cones begin to breakdown, and more of the visual field is loss resulting in
tunnel vision, shown in figure 12.
Ways of Sight
Seeing Eye Cane
Traditionally a white cane is used to assist someone with a
sight deficiency. The traditional cane is used to detect objects within
close range such as curbs and walls but it poses a hazard to both the user and their
surroundings. These canes only are limited to objects on the ground and
therefore can not detect hanging ledges or moving objects. Overall this is
the cheapest option available for somebody with a visual
There are also
certain traffic laws that are accustomed to someone with a seeing eye cane
in several countries, and this may be beneficial in this circumstance
compared to the goggles presented in this project because in
countries, like America, those with a seeing eye cane have the right away,
the proposed adjustment to this would be to grant right away to those with the
goggles, but the complication with this would be the drivers ability to
distinguish the goggles.
Assistant Animals
An alternative to the traditional cane is the use of service
animals. This alternative allows the user to have more interaction to
the environment. But some downsides of this form of assistance would be
the care and expense for the animal as well as if the person has
Why Do Blind People Wear
Many people who are blind, wear sunglasses to
protect their eyes from photophobia, which can cause discomfort or dizziness.
This is why the design of this project utilizes goggles as an apparatus, so the
user can both have a form of navigation as well as protection from the
sensitivity. Users would have to wear sunglasses to protect their eyes
regardless of the visual aid, and therefore only has a double benefit.
Can Blind People Detect
People who are going blind often first deal
with vision impairment, which then progresses into blindness. Blindness can
affect one or both eyes, and doesn't necessarily cause total darkness. Many
people who are considered visually impaired can still see some light or
shadows, but cannot see anything clearly. And those who are completely blind
can tell the change from completely dark to a light source, and even sometimes
the position of the light whether it is to the right or to the left of them.
Tommy Edison, an American YouTube channel star, radio presenter and film
critic, has been blind since birth. He records his experience and answers
questions through comedy in a series called “The Tommy Edison Experience.” In
one episode titled “What Do Blind People See?” he says that he can’t see
anything, color and seeing are vague concepts to him. But he said he says, “All
I see is light or dark. That’s it. I mean, the presence, or absence of light in
a room, or in a space. That’s all I can distinguish. There are no shapes, there
are no shadows.” He compares this to walking into a lobby with sunlight coming
in through the window, he can see the light. His video is shown bellow.
1: What Do Blind People See? [7]
Technology that Builds
on This Idea and its Cost
in technology and research for aiding visually impaired people throughout the
world have grown over recent decades. Most popular of these advances is
ultrasonic detection systems that communicate with their users through the
means of touch and sound, due to practicality and efficiency in real world
application. A few modern examples of technological innovations that are
currently aiding the visually impaired are the “Smart Glasses” developed by Oxford
University [8], which are bionic goggles that can detect light and shapes and
display them on their own lenses. Another example is eSight [9], which are
goggles that can zoom up to fourteen times the magnification of normal vision.
The TripleTalkMini [10] is another piece of technology made to assist the
blind, through specifically converting written text to electronic speech. This
is a more limited, or simply, more specific and different approach to aiding
the blind and visually impaired. These are variations of the modern approaches
to combating blindness and visual suffering throughout the world.
Our Approach
Our goal is to eliminate the instability and
difficulty of the navigation of those visually impaired. By utilizing 3D
printing technology, light and ultrasonic sensors, an electronic visual aid can
be developed to replace seeing eye canes for the visually disabled. Through a
continuous feedback loop that identifies the position of and distance from
surrounding objects, a visual aid headset for one’s eye produces light to
indicate to its user that objects are present and one must acknowledge them
Isolating what
kind of sensor and material to use is our main technical challenge, as well as
determining how to accommodate any scenario in any environment if the final
product is to universal practical use. The main tasks necessary for completion
include a detailed structural design must be developed and measured as to
accommodate all head shapes before production, and the final product must be
realistically tested with multiple qualifying volunteers to ensure its real
world functionality and accuracy.
There a few slight safety concerns with the device, these
include: the user’s sensitivity to light, the user’s ability to detect a light
source quickly, the user’s ability to detect the position of the light in the
goggles, the heat of the LED's close to skin, and the efficiency of the product
when introduced to water such as sweat and rain.
Photophobia is common among those who are blind or have a visual
impairment, this is a strong sensitivity to lights. A short exposure of a
non-intense light will not cause migraines or discomfort in most users, but if
the user is very sensitive to light this could cause some issues. The solution
to this is to use lower wavelength colors such as red at a lower intensity, and
this could be manipulated within the code, but for the prototype purposes and
testing the colors were kept on a swirl to see which one was the easiest for a
user to detect.
types of visual impairments prevent some users from being able to locate the
position of the light source, while the device will still be useful in
notifying the user that there is an object a close range, they will not be
aware of the position. Also, if it takes a while for the user to realize that
the light is on, it may be already to late and this would prove the device
safety hazards such as heat of the LED’s and effectiveness with water were
taken into thought during construction and material. Although the LED’s will
only stay lit for a few seconds, the group tested them in coiled up for 6
hours, and they only got relatively warm to touch, not burning hot. Also, to
take into factor that they were coiled and close together making it easier for
them to reach higher temperatures, while in the apparatus- they are spread out.
For sweat and water proof, the team designed an encasement so the components do
not get wet, as well as ordering waterproof LED’s and sealing all wiring.
The Real Approach
In future improvements of this project, developing a way to
identify obstacles approaching from behind a user without overwhelming or
confusing them would provide a safer and more thorough apparatus, however this
would require additional appropriate financing and resources.
An additional adjustment that could
completely eliminate current issues would be an entirely redesigned approach to
the problem statement. Specifically, developing an installation that is
directly incorporated into the infrastructure of any given street could guide a
visually impaired person by simultaneously avoiding the need to buy an
expensive apparatus. This could be achieved by lining streets with stable
(waterproof, physically strong, and out of civilian reach) electronic receptors
that would send and receive signals from an ear piece in one or both ears of a
visually impaired person. Signals acting as communication between the receptors
and earpieces would identify for the user where the streets and sidewalks are,
buildings, and could even extract specific building and street names for the
user to learn upon request if the system could be synched up and constantly
update with google maps, only considering Google agreed to participate. One
might suggest this as an expensive, physically large, and time consuming
proposal to incorporate throughout the world and that it because of this, it
would not be feasible to approach. However, this could be solved by simply
making it the government's responsibility with funding redirected from military
reserves. For example, in America, military spending made up approximately 57%
of the country's discretionary spending in 2015, according to By simply reallocating a small fraction of this funding
towards national infrastructure, this project could become a reality in a
realistically short span of time. This would also make the wellbeing of the
country’s citizens the direct responsibility of the government rather and save
individuals from conversely spending money on an
expensive apparatus that they should not have to. This approach could
not only aid those visually impaired, but those who are completely blind, which
is another reason why this is the most preferable and appropriate to develop [11].
Getting Closer to a Cure for Blindness
In recent years’ scientist have been creating methods of
treatment to sustain sight in those who are visual impaired and some have even
been able to completely restore sight. Some of these methods include Gene
Therapy, Stem Cells and Bionic Eyes.
Gene Therapy is a very
new research field, only 5 years ago in 2011 the University
of Pennsylvania conducted a study [12] with patients that had a
hereditary disease Leber Congenital Amaurosis, therefore they all had
mutations in their RPE65 gene. This gene, according to the U.S. National
Library of Medicine, "provides instructions for making a protein that
is essential for normal vision" [13]. The patients were given a
non-harmful virus that would implant this gene. Only half of
the patients showed improvement, and in the following years the University
plans to continue their research and see if the experiment is safe.
Other ways science has
impacted visual impairment is with injections and surgery. Eye injections and
sugary are used to treat Macular Degeneration and Cataracts. And although
neither of these can cure the patient, they can prolong the individuals sight.
The Oxford Dictionary
of Nursing [14] defines
Proprioception as “the ability to use the senses in a coordinated way, by means
of the action of proprioceptors, that enables a person to identify where parts
of their body are located even when they are physiologically separate.” A
common example to demonstrate this is if you were to close your eyes, and your
friend rotated your arm, without looking or moving you would be able to tell
where your arm is located, or how fast they moved it. Proprioception is the
“unconscious” awareness of where the various regions of the body are located. It
is commonly described as our “sixth sense” and is associated with being
blindfolded and completing an activity such a fighting or jumping rope.
Mobility of
the visually impaired requires greater proprioception. When someone is unable
to see they rely more on their sense and feel of depth and space with their
body. Otherwise it would be harder to use body parts or reach out and touch
objects, and making mobility virtually impossible.
Yoga is a
great way to enhance proprioception. A study was conducted to see if this was
the same for those who are visually impaired, since they rely on it more [15].
The result of this experiment concluded that it significantly improved in a few
students, improved overall in over half, but some had no change when it came to
yoga. But this experiment shows that there are activities that can help improve
this sense and overall help those with a visual impairment so they can
following video shows proprioception in action for someone who is blind. The
man shown in the video is blind in one eye, and therefore covers his left eye.
With his right eye (blind) open, he begins to rotate his arm and he is able to
track his arm through movements of his right eye although he can not actually
see his arm. He is able to do this because of proprioception.
Video 2:
Blind Man Sees (Proprioception) [16]
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Very nicely done! Good summary of research and outline for discovering more about blind people and proprioception. I look forward to additional posts on your discoveries.