Team Members and Individual Responsibilities

Htet Naing Aung
Lead Programming
Lead Blog Design
3D Modeling
Progress Report

Casey Lorimer
Lead 3D Modeling
Electronics (Schematics)
LED Programming 
Blogpost - Week 3, 4

Haley Rott
Lead Electronics (Wiring)
Programming Ultrasonic Sensors
Programming LEDs
Ordering Materials
Blog Design
Blogpost - Week 1, 2, 3

Erin Drennen
Lead Research and Development
Background Research
Quality Control
Blogpost - Week 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Blogpost  Photos and Updates
Final Presentation (Script and PowerPoint)

Task Delegation
TimelineImpact on Final GradeAssignmentSpecific ContentPerson In Charge
Week 110%Design ProposalAbstractCasey
Deadline for bothIntroductionCasey
11am on WednesdayDeliverablesHtet
Technical ActivitiesHaley
Subsection 1Erin
Subsection 2Erin
Subsection 3Erin
Project TimelineCasey
Facilities and ResourcesCasey
Brief description of the purpose of each hardwareHaley
5% (of 15% total)Blog Check #1Week 1Haley
Week 2Haley
Week 3Haley and Casey
Week 4Casey and Erin
Problem StatementErin and Casey
Home Page Htet
Week 3 (April 11th)5%*Fusion 360 challenge*Due FridayAll
Week 4 (April 18th)5% (of 10% total)Teamwork Assessment #1Due Before LabAll
Week 5 (April 25th)5% (of 15% total)Blog Check #2Week 5 Update
Week 6 Update 
Week 6 (May 2nd)10%Final Report Draft DueDue Before LabAll
Week 7(May 9th)5% of (10% total)Teamwork Assessment #2Due Before LabAll
Week 8 (May 16th)5% (of 15% total)Blog Check #3Week 7 Update
Week 8 Update
Week 9 Update
Finalizing Background Research
Updating all Components
Week 9 (May 23rd)20% + 20% = 40%Final Report & Presentation DueSee updates in Weekly ProgressAll
Week 10 (May 30th)5%Lab Attendance
5%Lecture Attendance